Before sales:
- We offer 7x24 Hr enquiry services. We reply all enquiries in 24 hours.
- We offer free samples in reasonable quantity for customer quality checking.
- We make all points clear with customer before order.
- We welcome all customers to visit and talk before cooperation.
During sales:
- Our sales or sales assistants will keep in touch with customers in 7x24 hours.
- Our sales or sales assistants will update order status to customers during production process.
- We offer 5-25kgs MOQ as sample or trial order.
- We offer fast lead time, we have stock for some hot sales products.
- We offer payment term: T/T, L/C, Paypal, Western Union, etc.
- We offer OEM service for customers.
After sales:
- If need any assistance during custom clearance, our sales or sales assistants will keep in touch with you in 7x24 hours.
- If there is any problem after receiving the goods, we will assist to solve.
- If there is quality problems. We will take quality products back and replace or send fund back.
- If you are our regular customer, we will prepare some quantity of stock for you.